Meals of Hope
Food Pantry

Meal Packing Events

According to a 2021 report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 89.8 percent of U.S. households were food secure throughout the year. The remaining 10.2 percent of households were food insecure at least some time during the year, including 3.8 percent (5.6 million households) that had very low food security. What this means is that one or more people in the household were hungry over the course of the year because of the inability to afford enough food.

While these numbers have declined slightly over the past few years following a recessionary spike that began in 2007, they still represent a significant part of our population that needs our help.

Expanding our reach in Southwest Florida

Even though Meals of Hope donates thousands of meals per month to local Feeding America food banks, there is still a significant need in Southwest Florida. Understanding that the local food banks were unable to distribute as much food as the need required, Meals of Hope opened our first food pantry at the Golden Gate Senior Center in Naples, Florida.

Our 15 mobile food pantries now distribute our five packed meals, as well as food from the local food banks, Operation Blessings, Farm Share, local grocery stores, and private donations to 4000 families each week.

Mobile Pantry Comes to Families in Need

Because the need for food in Collier County is so great, Meals of Hope have purchased mobile pantries, which allow us to visit multiple locations throughout the week. We currently distribute healthy and nutritious food, including our packed meals, meat, produce and shelf stable food to families.

The Meals of Hope mobile pantry serves to increase the number of locations where families can obtain food. A family shouldn’t go hungry just because they can’t get transportation to the nearest food banks! As the Mobile Pantry program grows, it is our plan to add even more stops and further extend convenient access to nutritious food.

Meals of Hope Food Pantry Locator

The map below allows you to locate food pantries within a set distance to the address you supply. Enter your address or click the target icon to set your starting address. A list of locations will be provided to the left of the map.
You may also filter locations by day of availibility.
Click on any lcoation for more details.